Dr. Rebecca Furlano

Restoring hope and health

Using a combination of lab testing, hormone assessment, microbiome analysis, and lifestyle modifications, my goal is to get to the root cause of your health issues and restore your core vitality instead of masking your symptoms with a quick fix.

We look at your terrain from a systems biology approach. No system in the body operates in isolation from others, just as trees don’t exist separately from land in nature. In the interconnection of systems, we may find clues to the mystery of a person’s long-standing chronic conditions and the keys to hope and restoration of health.

Dr. Rebecca Furlano

I believe the multiplicity of holistic skills, experience, and perspectives I offer, along with my commitment to being fully present with each patient and their concerns, leads to the high level of improvement my patients tend to achieve.

“Dr. Furlano changed my life. She was the first medical practitioner I'd seen in over 35 years who actually diagnosed the root cause for my long list of diseases. She dug deep into my health history, viewed my body as a whole system, and determined that I had a dairy allergy that was producing extreme inflammation. Today I am both dairy-free and disease-free and have enjoyed the healthiest decade of my life!”

— Kim S.

Education & Experience

Dr. Furlano has a unique background of training and clinical experience in multiple areas of complementary medicine, including education and training in massage therapy and holistic nutrition from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ; and Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture training from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, CA. Dr. Furlano received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree at National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, IL in 2012 and began her Functional Medicine practice in early 2013.